This is truly a wonderful treatment and is ideal for all ages, it can be both deep and invigorating or light and relaxing. The Oils are blended to aid the client’s needs, helping restore your body’s natural equilibrium. This treatment is highly recommended for relieving stress and tension.
Swedish Massage
This deep massage is perfect for combating stress and aiding relaxation. Specific movements are performed to locate and relieve tension. A truly invigorating body massage that improves circulation and helps ease muscular aches and pains. An excellent post workout massage.
Hot Stone Massage
This amazing treatment uses ancient balsamic hot stones, they are fantastic when used over the muscles to relieve tension and reduce stress. The warmth of the stones combined with the massage movements of the therapist creates a truly relaxing experience. A treatment not to be missed.
Lava Shells
Offering the benefits of a hot stone massage but with an added bonus of being eco-friendly, the Lava Shell Massage therapy uses 100% genuine recycled Tiger Clam Shells which heat up internally for a deeper relaxation to ease muscle and joint aches and pains. The heat allows for a deeper massage and up to 10x more relaxation than a regular massage. It offers additional benefits for circulation, the lymphatic system and general function of organs.
The application of pressure to the reflex and pressure points of the feet. Reflexology can help restore the body’s natural balance giving the feeling of wellbeing and relaxation, relieving stress and tension.
Indian Head Massage
This is a highly relaxing massage of the upper back and arms, shoulders and neck. The benefits are numerous and give the person an incredible feeling of wellbeing both physically and emotionally.
Thermo-Auricular Therapy
This therapy is used for many problems relating to the ear, nose and throat as well as being a very relaxing, de-stressing and balancing treatment. The treatment is very good for conditions such as irritations of the ear or sinuses, glue ear, rhinitis and hay fever, headaches, migraine and tinnitus.